
Indiana State University is committed to excellence and continuous improvement. Assessment of student learning in the classroom and beyond is an important way we live up to these goals. This page contains information about our ongoing assessment process, including philosophy, administration, governance, results, and evaluation. Additional information for Indiana State University faculty and staff can be found on the Assessment and Accreditation Sycamore Root site.

A Commitment to Continuous Improvement

Assessment is a collaborative, campus-wide effort, guided by the Director of Assessment and Program Effectiveness in Academic Affairs, who oversees annual student learning outcomes assessment, general education assessment, and program review, and the Assessment Council, a university committee comprised of faculty, staff, and students charged with guiding assessment-related policy, practice, and planning. The purposes of assessment are to:

  • Generate quality, actionable, and meaningful data that is used in decision-making and strategic planning
  • Continuously improve student outcomes mastery in curricular and co-curricular experiences
  • Continuously improve programs and services
  • Ensure the quality of an Indiana State University degree

We are guided by these purposes to foster an institutional culture of collegial, collaborative assessment that employs best practices, recognizes excellence, provides resources for improvement, shares data and findings, and uses results to inform us in achieving our goals.

Student Outcomes Assessment & Success Reports (SOAS Reports)

Evaluations - OneDrive (sharepoint.com)

The Assessment Council is the primary governance unit charged with guiding and overseeing institution‐wide assessment activities with the goal of facilitating more consistent and effective assessment that improves student learning outcomes. The Council is charged with identifying assessment issues, developing policy recommendations, facilitating assessment activities, and advocating/promoting the adoption of best practices in assessment. The Council is a University Committee, and its functions are outlined in the University Policy Library, Chapter 170.10. 

Specifically, the Council is charged with: 

  • Developing an institutional assessment plan that is consistent with the institutional mission. 
  • Promoting the implementation of an institutional assessment plan. 
  • Recommending institutional assessment procedures and policies that facilitate assessment activities and encourage the development of a culture of assessment. 
  • Monitoring and promoting the use of discipline-appropriate assessment principles and tools.
  • Conducting periodic reviews of departmental assessment activities and provide formative feedback; and
  • Publishing an annual institutional update on assessment activities.

The Council conducts its activities with the recognition that the faculty have the primary responsibility for student learning and in conjunction with the principles of shared governance. The Council also works with non‐academic areas to ensure that unit assessment is performed on a periodic basis and results in continuous improvement.

Assessment at Indiana State University: A Conceptual Framework provides additional information about the university's assessment philosophy and goals. It also delineates assessment roles and responsibilities for members of the Indiana State University community, from students and teachers to administrators and the Board of Trustees.

Assessment Results

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